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Fraser Coast Drones Strategy

Client: Fraser Coast Regional Council

State: QLD

The Queensland Government released a Drones Strategy Consultation Paper in 2017 to which Fraser Coast Council provided a response, providing ideas and support for the identified Insights in the Paper. Fraser Coast Council commissioned AEC to build on this initial response and consider the impacts of the emerging drones industry, and to develop a prioritised implementation plan in support of Council's vision and objectives. The key objectives of the project were to:

  • Identify challenges and opportunities for the drone industry on the Fraser Coast

  • Attract new investment to deliver a sustainable drone industry on the Fraser Coast

  • Establish the feasibility of a Drones Centre of Excellence on the Fraser Coast (which could provide a regional hub for drone operators, practitioners, training and research and development)

  • Provide an environment that would enable and attract new investment to the Fraser Coast drone industry

  • Establish a focal point for regional leadership with advocacy to the State and Federal Government regarding the ongoing development of effective policy and regulation for drone technology

Establish collaborative frameworks to facilitate development and investment in the drone industry on the Fraser Coast. Outputs from the project included the following deliverables:

  • A Stakeholder Engagement Plan including identification of current and potential stakeholders

  • An assessment of the current status of the drone industry on the Fraser Coast Identification, quantification and prioritisation of commercial opportunities

  • An assessment of what Council's role should be

  • High level feasibility study for a Drones Centre of Excellence on the Fraser Coast

  • A prioritised Implementation Roadmap of strategic actions including resources, stakeholder contribution and engagement activities


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