Client: Gunnedah Shire Council
State: NSW
AEC developed a business case to provide support for the renewal of the existing Gunnedah Saleyards, and provide an evidence base for future grant applications. Specifically, this business case is intended to provide the evidence base for applications under both the New South Wales (NSW) Government's Growing Local Economies (GLE) and Australian Government's Building Better Regions Fund (BBRF) frameworks.The project will secure the Saleyards position as one of Australia and NSW's premier livestock selling facilities, ensuring the future growth and development of the Saleyards. Out of this review the Gunnedah Regional Saleyards masterplan (GRSMP) was established, which was endorsed by Council. The review recommended a number of capital improvements be made to the Saleyards to ensure they maintain their share of the cattle sales market and continue to provide positive social and economic benefits to the region.