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Queensland Pacific Metals Detailed Economic Assessment

Queensland Pacific Metals (QPM) is an Australian minerals exploration company that is developing the Townsville Energy Chemicals Hub (TECH) Project – an environmentally sustainable refinery that aims to produce nickel sulphate, cobalt sulphate, high purity alumina and hematite.

AEC was engaged to undertake an assessment of the anticipated economic impacts and public benefit anticipated to be delivered by the project to the Townsville and North Queensland economy. The assessment included:

  • CGE modelling of the project to understand the direct and flow-on impacts of the project on economic measures such as jobs, GRP, industry output, and wages/ salaries (including impacts on the real wage).

  • Assessment of impacts on taxation revenues for government based on CGE modelling results and benchmarks.

  • Analysis of other anticipated socio-economic impacts to the community.

  • A public benefit assessment examining the net benefits anticipated to be delivered to the broader North Queensland community.

  • A cost benefit analysis to assess the net benefit of the project.

  • The assessment was used to support submissions for financing/ funding through NAIF and the NRF. A graphically designed advocacy document was also developed to support QPM's marketing and funding applications.


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