The City of Wodonga is projected to experience substantial growth in population, the Council is planning for an increased demand in both services and infrastructure. The Wodonga Council Plan 2021-2025 outlines the challenges and the criticality that Council plans, partners and seeks to meet the needs of the growing population and ensure the community has access to sufficient amenities and services. The current and future financial sustainability of the Council is a fundamental basis to enable the Council to provide adequate amenities and services, for both the current and future generations that will consume and pay for amenities and services.
AEC was engaged by the City of Wodonga to provide a financial sustainability review.
AEC considered and assessed the alignment between the adopted Financial Plan and the suite of planning documents that Council has adopted, with particular emphasis upon whether the Financial Plan has adequately included the impact of adopted plans on future operating and capital works funding requirements to meet the population and urban growth and to create a livable and prosperous city.
In consultation with the Council, a sustainable vision for the City of Wodonga was developed along with financial sustainability principles and recommendations for Council to adhere to for future decision making.
