QAGOMA seek to foster life-long learning with a focus of building cultural understanding, bolstering well-being, and developing community connection. To deliver on these outcomes, QAGOMA are looking to develop the All-Ages Learning Centre (AALC)m a proposed programmatic and spatial extension in the Queensland Art Gallery, to support the continued growth of life-long learning in the Arts and culture.
AEC were engaged to evaluate the economic and social benefits investment in the AALC will have on the Queensland community. AEC undertook an economic impact assessment using AEC's in-house Input-Output model to estimate the impact of the initial construction, ongoing operations of the facility and any induced tourism benefits. To estimate the social benefit impact of the proposed AALC, AEC identified key social benefits derived from cultural education and engagement with the Arts. AEC relied on studies conducted across Australia and the UK to support the quantifiable social benefits.1 Economic Analysis of all Ages Learning Centre.
