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Integrated Communications Study

Client: Department of Education Queensland

State: QLD

AEC has just been awarded the contract to undertake the Integrated Communication Study on behalf of the QLD Department of Education. The Queensland Department of Education (the Department) has previously undertaken research where the overall objective was to improve employee retention, which closely correlates with employee satisfaction. This research revealed discontent with several areas of internal communications including systems, governance, and processes.

The overarching purpose of this Study is to identify common pain points experienced by staff in their internal communications experience. The study will engage with Principals and deputy principals, heads of curriculum, heads of department, and all other leadership roles, school /classroom teachers, school business managers, all school-based non-teaching staff, regional directors and assistant regional directors, and regional and corporate office staff via online survey. The findings from this study will identify which stage(s) of the internal communications process require the most improvement and/or would be the most impactful areas to improve at the Department.

Source: Shutterstock


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