Client: Wonbindi Coal Pty Ltd
State: QLD
Mount Ramsay Coal Company proposed to develop an open cut coal mine producing approximately 5 million tonnes per annum of pulverised coal injection (PCI) coal over a mining life of approximately 20 years. AEC were engaged to develop an economic assessment as a technical document for use in preparing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the project. The report quantified the expected beneficial and adverse economic impacts of the project on the regional and state economies, as well as cumulative impacts in consideration of other major projects. The report also recommended mitigation strategies to ensure regional economic values are enhanced or, at least, maintained if the project proceeds.
Existing economic conditions were examined using available data and desktop research. Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) modelling techniques were used to assess the economic impacts to the regional economy. Cost Benefit Analysis and qualitative analysis of project impacts using a likelihood-consequence assessment framework was also used.
