Client: Ku-ring-gai Council
State: NSW
AEC Group was commissioned by Ku-ring-gai Council (Council) to carry out a Retail and Commercial Centres Strategy (‘the Strategy’) to assist with place-based future planning for the centres. AEC partnered with LocationIQ and SJB Planning to provide Council with a comprehensive analysis to allow for informed decision-making regarding future land use.
The objective of the Retail and Commercial Centres Strategy was to give Council, the community and development industry direction in terms of the future planning of centres in Ku-ring-gai and to provide for sustainable retail and commercial centres that meet the community’s needs.
The following works were undertaken to inform the Strategy:
Analysis of the existing retail and commercial centres, including a floorspace audit of the local and neighbourhood centres in the LGA, and competitive analysis and assessment of the provision of surrounding retail facilities and commercial precincts, and the impact of these centres to Ku-ring-gai.
Analysis of the macro-economic trends influencing the future of retail and commercial lands, and land use patterns alongside population changes and growth.
Property market assessment to ascertain respective performance and role of the retail and commercial land (built form, offer/amenity, and market pricing/dynamics) to understand market desirability and aggregated patterns of supply and demand.
Assessment of population growth and projection of future employment growth to ascertain future retail and commercial floorspace demand under baseline and alternate scenarios.
The findings informed the principles and recommendations for Council’s planning framework to facilitate and accommodate population growth and retail and commercial floorspace demand. The Strategy investigated opportunities for growth within the centres, as well as defining the role and function of each centre. A centres hierarchy was also developed to identify the type and extent of future floor space required for retail and commercial uses, and optimum locations for the additional floorspace.

Source: AEC