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Health and Uni Precinct Development

Client: Bundaberg Regional Council

State: QLD

Bundaberg Regional Council (Council) has an aspiration to invest in and create a revitalised Bundaberg City CBD, improving its functionality and diversifying its tenants. As part of this revitalisation, Council is investigating options for developing a health and education precinct in the CBD, including a level 5 tertiary hospital. Other potential locations for a health and education precinct are also being investigated by the Queensland State Government, outside the CBD. AEC were engaged to undertake a qualitative assessment of the socio-economic impacts to Bundaberg of having the proposed health and university precinct located in the CBD, rather than outside the CBD. In undertaking this assessment, a likelihood-consequence style assessment was used. The findings of this report were used to inform a broader study being undertaken by AECOM regarding the implications of developing a health and university precinct in the Bundaberg CBD.


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