AEC Principal Consultant Simon Smith, in partnership with Tammy Marshall, Managing Director of B Hive, has been working with APEC and participating economies on the economic impact of cruise tourism on micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) as well as communities.
The Cruise ship sector is considered one of the most rapid growing segments in the tourism industry. Given the rise of the cruise industry activity in the APEC region, data to analyse the economics of cruise tourism is vital, especially data that focuses on communities as the recipients of economic benefits.
The project will provide a study on cruise tourism’s effect on local communities, more specifically, MSMEs in local communities in APEC economies and how the income generated from the cruise sector leads to better standards of living for local people. Project outcomes and recommendations will be used to support further strategic sustainable development of cruise tourism and to identify opportunities to increase positive impacts and safeguard the livelihoods of local economies.
Whilst the project is working closely with just five economies, the findings and recommendations will have benefits for all 21 APEC members. The workshop in Singapore was attended by representatives from Australia, Chile, Chinese Taipei, Mexico, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Philippines, Singapore and Vietnam as well as a number of expert speakers including: Cruise Line International Association, Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines, Cruise Broome and Genting Cruise Lines. For further information regarding developing the cruise sector please contact simon.smith@aecgroupltd.com